Saturday, November 26, 2011


Our Thanksgiving plans had to be changed this year. We had planned to have all the family over here for Thanksgiving, which is something we love to do! Hubby had to go back in the hospital on Tuesday due to a blood clot in his leg. Only being home from the hospital for a week, this was very unexpected. He started having foot numbness and pain in his leg over the weekend, but was too stubborn to go to the hospital, saying they wouldn't do anything over the weekend..UGH! After daily trips to the cath lab to try and dissolve the clot, they were finally successful in dissolving it and putting the stent in on Thanksgiving Day! We have so much to be thankful for. Kimberly came over and spent the day with me. I enjoy our time together so much. I could not ask for a better sister! We took him lunch to the hospital. He was still in ICU and I don't think he even remembered us coming.

My friend, Lisa, told me that we have used up our hospital trips and illnesses for the next 38 years! I told her that sounded pretty good to me. I am looking forward to a new year and a much healthier year! I certainly don't want to sleep for half the new year!

I am thanking everyone again for the prayers, love, encouragement and support you have given and continue to give us! God is good and He is good All the time!

1 comment:

Stacie Hoo said...

I am sending prayers that 2012 will be a healthy and wonderful year for both you and Pete. Wishing you both a very merry Christmas and I am so thankful for you both!