Sunday, May 11, 2014


I miss my Mom each and everyday....always will until that wonderful day, when I see her again!  I don't know why this year seems like it has pulled on my heart strings more than in previous years....Kimberly said this year has been harder for her too.  You just never get over the void in your life without your Mother.  I called her every morning.....always!  Loved hearing her sweet voice answering me when I asked her what she was going to do that day....saying, same ole, same ole!  She was so sweet, funny and loving.  She loved cooking for others and she loved this time of year, planting flowers and watching them grow!  She loved me unconditonally and was always there for me! 

I hope that everyone that is still blessed with having their Mother, will ket them know how much they love them....not just today on Mother's Day....but everyday!

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