Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Sometimes we are forced to start new traditions.  I was just fine with my former CHRISTmas traditions....changed before seven years ago with the loss of my daughter.  Somehow, my hubby and I had adjusted our lives and made it through, without having our precious Jennifer here to celebrate the best of all days....the birth of Jesus!  The 28 CHRISTmases that I was able to celebrate with her will always live in my heart!  I cherish all those memories.  For the past 42 years, I had celebrated CHRISTmas with my husband, Pete.  I would have never dreamed that last CHRISTmas would have been our last one together. 

I know you hear it said all the time....how precious life is and how short.  I think some people take life for granted and don't really realize that none of us is promised tomorrow.  Please take the time during this busy time of year to tell and show your loved ones that you love them and how much they mean to you.  For the past 42 years,  Pete and I always told each other we loved each other, at least once a day....except when I was at "sleep" while in the hospital.  We knew we loved each other, as did Jennifer and my parents and my sister knows how much I love her!!

This year new traditions will be started once again....not by choice.  I will get through it, because I have faith in God, and I can do anything through Him, who gives me strength. 

Remember the Reason of the Season....Love one another and have a very Merry CHRISTmas!

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