Thursday, January 31, 2008

Answered Prayers

I had my fourth treatment for my lymphedema today. Yesterday, before my third treatment, Troy measured my arm........I could hardly believe it...I had a 29% reduction, after only two treatments!!! God is sooooo awesome. I still can't use my right hand...have to peck with my left hand, cannot write right now, but this is really working. Today, I actually saw my wrist for the first time in about five years. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and encouragement.


ScrapbookDBA said...

Way to go Deb!

Lisa_in_AR said...

Debbie I am so happy for you!!! Wonder if the bag guy at Kroger will notice your newly svelte wrist/ arm???

Denise Felton said...

Yes, yes, yes!!!

Go, Debbie! Go, Debbie!