Friday, February 5, 2010


We are having such a good visit with Bill and brother-in-law and sister-in-law from good to be able to catch up in person. I feel sorta like a party pooper...not going anywhere, but we are getting alot of scrapbooking done. Their son and daughter-in-law, Cory and Theresa are in the process of adopting a little baby boy, Gage. They have four daughters already and they are so glad to have a little boy. Gage was born with a severe cleft palate and Har syndrome. He will begin a long journey of multiple surgeries on Februray 18th in Chicago. They are happy to get the process started but still anxious and a little afraid also. I know how they feel...but as I told them, you just have to trust God, "The Great Physician", and know that He is the one in control. He will be there for them and will guide the doctors in the care of Little Gage! What a lucky little baby to have such a loving and wonderful family!

I can remember when Jennifer was beginning her journey of her fight with Cystic began by first being diagnosed with a heart defect....even before we knew she had CF! She was of only five children in the world to have a heart defect and CF and the only one we know of that 1978! She went through so much....but as I have told Cory and Theresa, when you are going through things like this with your child, you really don't stop and dwell on what MIGHT love that child with all your heart, you are there by her side, and you keep your Faith that she is in good hands and that God is in control....He gives you the strength to keep going and you keep your eyes and heart in the future. Jennifer went through so much in her 28 years....but she was a strong, caring, compassionate and uncomplaining young woman...she always wanted the best for everyone and always wanted to help others. I know that I learned soooo many life lessons in those short 28 years! I still get my strength and courage from her.

There will be bumpy times for Cory, Theresa and little Gage ahead, I am sure....but I know how much they love this little boy and how very blessed he will be to have such a loving family! They will learn alot from him and will become better and stronger for this experience!

I am happy to be able to work with Judy on his scrapbook while they are here visiting! You can see the love in each picture that we put in the book! Cory is always telling Gage that he is going to take him fishing, hunting and to the Bear's game! I am looking forward to making scrapbook pages of these events for him!

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